Incentive definition, something that incites or tends to incite to action or greater effort, as a reward offered for increased productivity. See more. Choose the Right Synonym for incentive. motive, impulse, incentive, inducement, spur, goad mean a stimulus to action. motive implies an emotion or desire operating on the will and causing it to act. incentive program, incentive scheme - a formal scheme for inducing someone (as employees) to do something dividend - a bonus; something extra (especially a share of a surplus) sales incentive - remuneration offered to a salesperson for exceeding some predetermined sales goal incentive definition: 1. something that encourages a person to do something: 2. something that encourages a person to do something: 3. something, especially money, that encourages a person or organization to do something: . The manager motivated his employees to achieve the highest sales in the company by giving them season passes to their favorite team as an incentive if they succeeded in breaking sales records. ‘The bill seeks to offer incentives for farmers to open their land for hunting.’ ‘One way to encourage children is to give them an incentive or reward if they do well in their exams.’ A cash payment made to a patient who achieves a health-related goal such as sustaining a weight loss over a 6-month period or maintaining abstinence from a toxic substance. An incentive is something that motivates an individual to perform an action. The study of incentive structures is central to the study of all economic activities (both in terms of individual decision-making and in terms of co-operation and competition within a larger institutional structure). The rising cost of electricity provides a strong/powerful incentive to conserve energy. The government offers special tax incentives for entrepreneurs. The company is offering a special low price as an added incentive for new customers. Define incentive travel. incentive travel synonyms, incentive travel pronunciation, incentive travel translation, English dictionary definition of incentive travel. n. Vacation travel arranged by or through an employer and awarded as a motivational bonus to qualifying employees or salespeople British Fantasy -palkintoehdokas 1997. Niin kauan kuin tiedetään, Kuutta herttuakuntaa on hallinnut Näkijöiden suku. Mutta ajat ovat muuttuneet ja taistelu vallasta käynyt yhä häikäilemättömämmäksi: barbaarien punalaivat kulkevat pitkin rannikkoa tekemässä tuhojaan, ja kuningas on voimaton. To make its meaning more obvious we placed the crest of the dynasty, the XP bar, your dynasty's title in roman numbers and your money in the top-left corner. Additionally you have access to the skill book, the diary and the statistics. Concept meaning are tax deductible on both state and federal Framed multiline text ideas sound speaker declare issue announcement. Word writing text Ira Traditional Roth. Business concept for are tax deductible on both state and federal Computer learn software … In some cases this leads to an overly powerful incentive to increase firms’ net assets. Meaning the point system enacted is allowing Circuit Judges a chance to abuse their discretion and authority in harshness or being lenient. The point system is a good plan for correcting our current overcrowding issue if enacted, removing Judge’s discretion. In other words the costs outweigh the benefits at that stage creating a negative incentive scenario. If you are a leader at that stage our best advice is this, “don’t expect many compliments”—people are not hav- ing a good time on balance. Basically, this allows donations you receive for your project to be tax-deductible for your donors, which is a major incentive. ... WOW! A huge thank you to everyone who has bought my book 'The True Meaning of Life' It is back to #1 on the Amazon bestsellers list this morning. The thesis consists of the Finnish introduction chapter and 5 articles (1 in Finnish, 4 in English) My values while growing up regarding relationshios and the meaning of them were severely distorted by movies and common aristocratic beliefs that there is a higher meaning to everything. Terms like 'the one' and 'soulmate' paved my thoughts when searching for an answer. Oivalluksia ja ajatuksia asiakaskokemuksen johtamisesta, muutoksesta, digistä, brandistä, yrityskulttuurista. Incentive definition, something that incites or tends to incite to action or greater effort, as a reward offered for increased productivity. See more. Choose the Right Synonym for incentive. motive, impulse, incentive, inducement, spur, goad mean a stimulus to action. motive implies an emotion or desire operating on the will and causing it to act. incentive program, incentive scheme - a formal scheme for inducing someone (as employees) to do something dividend - a bonus; something extra (especially a share of a surplus) sales incentive - remuneration offered to a salesperson for exceeding some predetermined sales goal incentive definition: 1. something that encourages a person to do something: 2. something that encourages a person to do something: 3. something, especially money, that encourages a person or organization to do something: . The manager motivated his employees to achieve the highest sales in the company by giving them season passes to their favorite team as an incentive if they succeeded in breaking sales records. ‘The bill seeks to offer incentives for farmers to open their land for hunting.’ ‘One way to encourage children is to give them an incentive or reward if they do well in their exams.’ A cash payment made to a patient who achieves a health-related goal such as sustaining a weight loss over a 6-month period or maintaining abstinence from a toxic substance. An incentive is something that motivates an individual to perform an action. The study of incentive structures is central to the study of all economic activities (both in terms of individual decision-making and in terms of co-operation and competition within a larger institutional structure). The rising cost of electricity provides a strong/powerful incentive to conserve energy. The government offers special tax incentives for entrepreneurs. The company is offering a special low price as an added incentive for new customers. Define incentive travel. incentive travel synonyms, incentive travel pronunciation, incentive travel translation, English dictionary definition of incentive travel. n. Vacation travel arranged by or through an employer and awarded as a motivational bonus to qualifying employees or salespeople