Fallout 4 - Wasteland ... Tame them or have them face off in battle, even against your fellow settlers. ... taxidermy and more! Juhannus-FFHolmin muistelmat, osa 4; ... (Tyrian, Fallout 1, Settlers 2). EARS AGO in some newspaper there was an article about the “paradise of settlers ... 4. Settlers 2, Abondonwarea nykyään näemmä, eli ilmaseks saa, vaatii modernilla koneella dosboxin. Tienrakentelusimulaattori. Laita talo, vedä teitä, säätele tavaroiden tärkeyksiä kuljetuskesa, kukista vihulaiset. Loistava peli, aika lentää ku siivilä. This experience is gained through normal gameplay. The better your village is doing, the more experience you'll gain. There are 5 levels of chests, each level cost +80% more experience to open than the previous level, but has more perks. You can only have 8 chests unopened total, once you fill your chest bar you must open a chest to gain more.