Got a Yogscast PoF discount or heroic edition code to spare? Post them here! New to Guild Wars 2? Check out our new player wiki page. Returning player? So it was now 5th time when didnt get answer on official forum from staff, but on reddit. Because it's their job, and Anet is the company they work for? I don't have a reddit account, and don't plan on ever registering for one. Guild Wars 2 News - The Reddit chat with Guild Wars 2's Jon Peters is ongoing and is making some big waves on the network. Don't delay! Guild Wars 2, MMOs, ... ... WoodenPotatoes 2. 929 views; 2 weeks ago; 2:15:58. Play next; Play now; GW2Shinies, A Guild Wars 2 Trading Post Service - A leading trading post service, working to make your life just a little bit easier. Hi everyone. I wanted to extend the invitation to add questions to our list for the upcoming AMA with Chris Whiteside on Guild Wars 2 News - The Reddit chat with Guild Wars 2's Jon Peters is ongoing and is making some big waves on the network. Don't delay! Agreed. They made 40+ skills for Weaver but are still unable to give us Jalis underwater because of 1 ground targeted skill. Same for Guild Wars 2, MMOs, ... ... WoodenPotatoes 2. 929 views; 2 weeks ago; 2:15:58. Play next; Play now; GW2Shinies, A Guild Wars 2 Trading Post Service - A leading trading post service, working to make your life just a little bit easier. I'm having a conflict! It looks like a lot of people will be playing Asura, which is great! I may be playing Asura as well on launch! What is the Reddit Guild? The Reddit Guild is focused on bringing together Redditors from around the world to play Guild Wars with us in one big happy family. The no-gear-grind philosophy of Guild Wars 2 has been called into question, so developer ArenaNet has responded on Reddit. Brief recap: a brand new Asc This release brings three new sets of Wintersday achievements, new and old rewards, and guild decorations. Happy Wintersday! ... About Guild Wars 2 Wiki; Guild Wars 2 Armor : Can't decide which exotic set you want to wear? Want to figure out what set that guy running around Lion's Arch was wearing? How do I get the client? After confirming that your computer meets the System Requirements, follow the instructions below to download the Guild Wars 2 client. I highly recommend you guys check out the GW2 sub reddit if you already don't check it regularly. This video is a playthorugh Guild Wars 2's Twilight Arbor dungeon, fast forwarding the work, and realtiming just the cinema and some other story points. The latest Tweets from Guild Wars 2 (@GuildWars2). Official Twitter of the online world, #GuildWars2. Guild Wars 2 official message boards. Join the forums & engage in lively discussions with other fans and the ArenaNet team! 4,375 tweets 1,214 photos/videos 19.1K followers. Check out the latest Tweets from Guild Wars 2 DE (@GuildWars2_DE) EARLIER: The Guild Wars 2 Reddit has new post packed with nearly fifty images that may indicate a new expansion is on the way. How do I get the client? After confirming that your computer meets the System Requirements, follow the instructions below to download the Guild Wars 2 client Guild Wars 2 Skills :: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Guild Wars 2 Skills But Were Afraid to Ask Guild Wars 2 Skills :: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Guild Wars 2 Skills But Were Afraid to Ask This is the /r/GuildWars2 Steam group, right now everyone is busy playing Guild Wars 2 but I'm sure in the future we'll expand into other games as well. Repair Instructions for Windows If you are having problems running Guild Wars 2, the data archive may have become corrupted. The reddit member that_shaman decided to compare the maps of GW1 and GW2. Angry gamers who demanded an explanation after they were banned from Guild Wars 2 have been publicly outed for allegedly sending racist or abusive messages. The no-gear-grind philosophy of Guild Wars 2 has been called into question, so developer ArenaNet has responded on Reddit. Brief recap: a brand new Asc