At its core, Insomniac Games’ new adventure strives to make you feel like Spider-Man. And, thankfully, Marvel's Spider-Man on PS4 succeeds at … Spider-Man on Insomniac Gamesin kehittämä ja Sony Interactive Entertainmentin julkaisema toimintaseikkailupeli, joka perustuu Marvel Comicsin supersankariin Hämähäkkimies. Peli on julkaistu yksinoikeudella PlayStation 4 -konsolille 7. syyskuuta 2018. Marvel's Spider-Man (PS4) is rated 5.0 out of 5 by 1. Rated 5 out of 5 by Spidey from Tosi hieno peli. Hei, ton pelin missions ovat tosi hienoja ja erilaisia. F1 2018 for PlayStation 4 game reviews & Metacritic score: The 2018 season sees the return of the French Grand Prix for the first time since 2008, at the Circuit … Spider-Punk Gets a Sweet $235 Action Figure October 6, 2018 0 comments Article Uncategorized One of the best part of Spider-Man on PS4 was the variety of costumes, some brand new for the game and some pulling from the various corners of the Spider-Verse.