Fallout 4 on muuten kuulemma tulossa, ... Core.esm 0B Project Nevada - Equipment.esm 0C Weapon Mod Expansion.esm 0D WME - … The famous weapons manufacturer, Gun Runners, has opened up their exclusive cache of armaments, including new weapons, weapon mods, ammo types and recipes. Fallout 4: n kohdalla kehitys ... Haluaisin tähän vain samanlaisen modin kuin oli Fallout New Vegasissa, eli Shrapnelin weapon overhaul mod. Fallout - New Vegas Ultimate Edition. Roolipeli PlayStation 3. Kyllä verkkokauppa minusta lähettää pelin julkaisupäiväksi, en ole vaan vuosiin ennakkoon sieltä tilannut niin en muista. Fallout 4 - Automatron PC ... Hunt them down and harvest their parts to build and mod your own custom robot companions. The famous weapons manufacturer, Gun Runners, has opened up their exclusive cache of armaments, including new weapons, weapon mods, ammo types and recipes.