Threat Generation Nerfed for Tanks in BfA PTR / Beta ( submitted 29 days ago by peacemaker21 to r/wow. close. Search the history of over 336 billion web pages on the Internet. 401 - Authentication failure on request with context credentials, retrying with supplied credentials.ApplyOperatingSystem14/05/2013 11:17:221772 (0x06EC) 2470. 2480. 2496. 2505. 2511. 2512. 2522. 2526. 2567. 2587. 2591. 50110. 7342. 7346. 7348. 7350. 7353. 3509. 3531. 8/10/2018. 6/19/2018. 5/17/2018. 5/12/2018. Lurgo • 5 points • submitted 29 days ago It still is a great nerf for kiting for high keys, u can only safely dps as tank during AoE stun (which are also getting nerfed from 5sec -> 3sec) and then have to be over 40 yards away b4 stun ends in order to avoid those random … Search the history of over 336 billion web pages on the Internet. Testaa selviytymistaitojasi Joelin ja Ellien kanssa The Last of Us -pelissä ja lue PlayStation-uutisia E3 2013 -messuilta.