(pluralonly) A greeting at the end of a letter or e-mail communication. Esimerkit. regards, John. Kind regards, Peter. terveisin Joni ystävällisin terveisin Petri; Email or Phone: Password: Forgot account? Home. About. Sunny greetings from Ylläs! Feels like summer and it´s only end of May. That feeling when you are at a dead end and there's no way out. That feeling when you thought everything was crystal clear and fine. That feeling when you believed everything would turn out alright and click into place when the baby comes. All of that happened, yes, until the whole thing took a big step back and we returned to the same issues. The end of May marked 20 years from our wedding wows with Tapani. The beginning of June, on the other hand, was an anniversary of another special day. Then I also said ”I will with the help of God” and this time also committed myself to a service of love. Email or Phone: Password: Forgot account? Home. Posts. IT'S NOT THE END OF LIFE ... SUMMER GREETINGS. H eipparallaa!