Sivilisaatio (lat. civilis, kansalais-) eli korkeakulttuuri tarkoittaa yleensä samaa kuin kulttuuri tai sivistys. The price of this item includes a contribution to a Product recycling fund to ensure that waste electrical and electronic equipment is collected and … The price of this item includes a contribution to a Product recycling fund to ensure that waste electrical and electronic equipment is collected and … Sivilisaatio (lat. civilis, kansalais-) eli korkeakulttuuri tarkoittaa yleensä samaa kuin kulttuuri tai sivistys. Sivilisaatioksi voidaan kutsua yhden valtion, useiden valtioiden, kansojen muodostaman yhteisön tai kokonaisen lajin, kuten ihmiskunnan, kehittämää monimutkaista elämäntapaa. Asetyylisalisyylihappo (ASA), joka tunnetaan myös nimellä aspiriini lääkkeen tunnetuimman tuotemerkin mukaan, on tulehduskipulääke, joka lievittää kipua ja kuumetta sekä vähentää tulehdusta. Asetyylisalisyylihapolla on myös haittavaikutuksia, lähinnä se, että se ärsyttää ruoansulatuskanavaa ja se voi myös aiheuttaa pitkäaikaiskäytössä … They thanked him for his contribution of time and money. He made an important contribution to the debate. As mayor, he made many positive contributions to the growth of the city. a book of essays including contributions from several well-known political columnists The money was raised by voluntary contribution. This was Stephen Crowley's contribution to the general discomfort. The paper was a contribution to the life-history of this minute insect. The cashier's hand had been strengthened by Crane's contribution … Contribution definition, the act of contributing. See more. Contribution something given to a common stock or fund; a sum of money or item voluntarily contributed, 1582. contribution definition: 1. something that you contribute or do to help produce or achieve something together with other people, or to help make something successful: 2. money, support, or other help: 3. payments from a company or employee to pay for an employee's benefits such as medical insurance or a…. Learn more. Contribution. In maritime law, where the property of one of several parties with interests in a vessel and cargo has been voluntarily sacrificed for the common safety of the vesse Contribution margin (CM), or dollar contribution per unit, is the selling price per unit minus the variable cost per unit. "Contribution" represents the portion of sales revenue that is not consumed by variable costs and so contributes to the coverage of fixed costs. Contribution margin is a cost accounting concept that lets a company determine the profitability of its individual products. How to use the Contribution Calculator. This calculator is designed to show you how you could potentially increase the value of your retirement plan account by increasing the amount that you contribute from each paycheck. Both roth IRAs and traditional IRAs have contribution limits. Learn about IRA contribution limits to help shape your retirement savings plan, and ensure that you are financially prepared come retirement. Sivilisaatio (lat. civilis, kansalais-) eli korkeakulttuuri tarkoittaa yleensä samaa kuin kulttuuri tai sivistys.