Select Joy-Con from the menu. \JoyCon-Driver-master\joycon-driver\build\Win32\Release\ The guide splits here slightly, depending on if you want separate/single joycons or both combined into one controller. Run the joycon-driver.exe in the Github download, which will allow vJoy to detect the Joy-Cons once paired. You can easily pair Joy-Con controllers with a Windows or Mac computer from directly within the Bluetooth menu. Step 1: Turn on Bluetooth on your PC/Mac. Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons Can Connect To Your PC, Mac, And Android Thanks to good ol' Bluetooth, you can use your Joy-Cons with devices other than your Switch. The ‘Output Button’ column next to it is what the input will correspond with on the Xbox controller. Next, you need to pair the Joy-Cons. How to connect the Joy-Con controllers. The ‘Input Button’ column on the left is the Joy-Con button command. Select it in the menu to connect it to your PC. 1. Select "Add Bluetooth or other device" and click on Bluetooth. However, you can clearly see that a Joy-Con is connected to your PC from the Bluetooth window, as it’s displayed in the list of connected devices. Open your PC's settings menu and select "Bluetooth & other devices." Oddly enough, the lights on a Joy-Con will continue to blink even after it’s connected to your PC. So far, the Switch has been taking the video game world by storm. For those desperate to use a singular Joy-Con on PC, however, the below video from YouTuber DreWoof confirms that the pairing of Joy-Con and PC is possible. 9 – From here, the Joy-Con inputs can be mapped to a virtual Xbox 360 controller. 3. Follow the steps below to do so. It's super-easy to connect the Joy-Cons to Windows 10. Step 2: Disconnect the Joy-Con from the Switch as you would normally. 4. Windows and Joy-Cons, a perfect pair. 2. On Mac, select System Preferences > Bluetooth. Hold down your Joy-Con's sync button, which is the tiny black dot located between the SL and SR buttons. If you want to use a single joycon or want to use them separately, connect the joycons via bluetooth, run the exe, and uncheck combined mode.